I've only been couponing since May 2009...so I know I have a lot to learn, but one lesson I learned early on is that organization is essential for savings. I would clip my coupons toss them in a basket, rifle through some and put them in envelopes and head to the grocery store. I still saved money using coupons, but as a couple months passed and my coupon stash grew it became harder to have them in envelopes and very VERY frustrating searching through them at the grocery store. I decided to make a coupon binder, separated by category, so I could open up a section in an aisle and have access to every coupon.
I purchased the largest size heavy duty binder at walmart...it was around $7
I purchased 2 sets of clear baseball card holders (around $5 each)
I had dividers already, but they are around $2 at walmart
Thats all you need! I added a pencil pouch in the front. I use it for walgreens trips, or a grocery trip based on the flier deals, so I pull the coupons I know ill need ahead of time for the one store Im visiting.
Inserting the coupons in the clear dividers makes it so easy to see what product you have a coupon for and the expiration date! Here are a couple pics I just took of mine so you can get an idea:

Thank you for posting this. I am trying to get into couponing but I couldn't find an organizer that I loved. This one is perfect!
I have been through a dozen different coupon organizing strategies. Each one getting a little simpler with time. I've been from a coupon box with 5 newspapers worth of coupons, now I'm down to one page protecter clipped to a clipboard, and only a few coupons of great importance to me.
I'm sure I'll get back into it full force when life slows down though, I really like couponing.
Your binder is stylish! I love it.
Wow. I feel so....intimidated by your couponing skills! I just don't understand how you do it. I can't seem to save that much when I do cut coupons. You should write a book about how to do it for people like me!
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