I know it seems like all I've been posting lately is coupon info, Ive just become so passionate about the savings just a little time and effort can make. We really had to cut back expenses, and one of the things to get slashed was groceries/misc...so I made an effort to learn about couponing and try my best at it. I was so overwhelmed at first when I would read blogs about these ladies getting things for pennies and thought there is no way in heck I could figure that all out....but let me tell you something--its not that hard....a few times practicing it out, staying organized (I've got a coupon binder that I want to show in another post) and strategizing really really really pays off. It is crazy how much I am saving on things that I either would never buy because it was too much and was a "selfish" purchase (ie $8 almay mascara) or things that you REALLY REALLY need but hate spending the money on (DIAPPPPPERRRS!)
I probably spend about an hour a day on couponing. By that I mean, I go to my helpful websites, print out coupons, organize coupons, clip coupons, look up flyers and deals online) Sometimes I spend more time (in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep!) but really, I don't dedicate a crazy amount of time like I thought someone would have to in order to get all these deals.
I didnt know this until I began my new "hobby" but a lot of grocery stores double and triple coupons up to 50 cents...and a lot of times they will have specials where they will double up to a $1 (Kroger, Albertsons...etc)
As much as I dont like giving all my money to walmart, you can get some great deals when you combine their rollback items with coupons...like the Oreida fries I bought today. They are 92 cents, I had (2) $1.50/2 coupons. So I bought 4 packages for $3.68-$3 in coupons=17 cents per package.
Stores like Target, Walgreens and CVS not only accept manufacturer coupons like Walmart, but they also have their own store coupons that you are able to "stack" with the manufacturer. A good example is the lubriderm I bought today at walgreens. They are $3.79 each. I printed off $2 coupons for them, making them $1.79---but then there is a $1 off walgreens coupon (its in the Diabetes coupon booklet you can get from the pharmacy)so then it made each lotion 79 cents, which makes them a money maker because there is a promotion going on where you get $8 in register rewards
so I did spend $2.37 out of pocket, but if you figure in the $8 they give back they pretty much PAID ME $6.63 to buy the lotions! Yea!
This is what I got at walgreens this week for FRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

--6 Suave shampoos
(I used them as fillers because I had negative balances, they are a special item this week that helps out the cashier--she gets money added into her paycheck if she sells them--my girls at walgreens are AWESOME! So I usually buy whatever the product is to help them out)
4 clearanced nailposhes
(I had coupons making them a few cents or free)
--3 fragrance free lubriderm lotions
(perfect for the hub--no girly scent!) (generating $8 reward when you buy 3)
20 Almay one-coat mascaras!
I was able to get 12 of the $6.99 and 8 of the $7.99 that come with a 15count container of Almay eye make up remover wipes!
I know, youre thinking what on earth is she going to do with 20 mascaras...but I go through one every couple months, and I can always throw them in gifts for friends and visiting teaching gals...they'll get use out of them! Normally I am so NOT the crazy lady that takes EVERYTHING in the store, but all the other almay I wanted was taken (we have a pesky lady in my town that seems to take everything bright and early sunday morn!) so I was feeling a little fiesty and thought I'd beat her to the chase!
12 8oz hunts tomato sauce
A great staple, not to mention great food storage item! (on sale 3/$1 and there is a $1 off 3 hunts coupon online! match made in heaven!) these would also make good "filler items" if you have too many coupons per transaction or have a negative balance and need to up it a little!
Im hoping to get 12 more when they get their delivery truck in on friday!
2 Almay pure blends lip gloss (generating $5 reward)
2 Herbal Essences shampoo/conditioners
And I still have a $5 register reward to use towards my next deal!!
I get a lot of my ideas from iheartwags.com...she has everything laid out, and actually has flyers months ahead of time, so you can plan out coupons for the upcoming sales! shes awesome!
Im not the best at explaining thats why I am supplying you with my list of the sites I check out daily. They provide coupons, deal scenerios, advice...these are awesome ladies who spend a lot of time helping us out!
you can click links from there blogs to print coupons, but you can always go to
to print out free coupons. you can print off 2 of the same coupon from each printer. you just have to click back and refresh/retry.
Lastly, I want to add the there are so many great TOY DEALS right now for christmas shopping. Today at target I purchased $135.04 worth of goodies for $42.06!
If my math is right, I think thats around 70-75% off. Crazy! To get the best deals at target, price match with other flyers...for example I bought the Hasbro games Scatterpiller Scramble and Giraffalaff Limbo--target's price was $20 and $28! Toys R Us has them in their Christmas "Big Book" for $14.99. I had $4 off coupons that I printed awhile back (they are no longer available for print) that I "stacked" with the target coupons that were $5 off (they are online or in the holiday coupon booklet in their store (it was in the toy section)
that made these games only $6. Seriously, that is awesome! I did the same thing with the Tag Junior reading system. Was $28.99 but after coupons I knocked it down to $8.99!!!
I guess my point is, couponing is not for crazy old ladies who have nothing better to do (okay, so thats kind of what I used to think about people who did this) but these ladies that have these helpful websites are all young moms! no matter if you are rich, poor, whatever--it never hurts to save a buck!
Thats my schpeal. If you have questions I'll try my best to answer, but if you go to these sites these ladies do an EXCELLENT job at explaining everything!!
Merry Savings! I can't wait for Christmas this year with my two little elves :)