When I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 7 years ago, I gave up all of my bad habits--smoking being one of them. I smoked 3 packs a DAY! Crazy!!!! So if this blog post has you wondering, I am interested in learning about this for my Father {and my brother--but he is 20, and thinks he knows everything, so he's not ready to quit!} To me this sounds like a great product to really aid with cutting back and eventually quitting smoking. I know for me, 7 YEARS LATER!!! I still have the urge almost everyday at some point to smoke. Its really more of the physical aspect of holding and inhaling that I miss. Silly, but true. I went through packages and packages of lollipops when I first gave them up. Anyway, Joan and Riah's Giveaways is hosting a giveaway to win a set that includes the Electric cigarette and a few cartridges of the tabacco product in whatever "flavor" youd like. Im hoping to win this for my father. He's almost 50 and NEEDS TO QUIT! he's really cut down---but I think this will really do the trick!
I hope you dont have a smoking addiction, but if you do, or have a loved one that does---check out this review and enter the giveaway!
heres the link: