Have you all heard of this store, or am I the only one living under a rock? Its really cute, over-priced stuff (think potterybarn) It's Crate and Barrel's kids branch off. I discovered it last week and was trying to scope out some idea's for Briggy and future babies play room. The only thing I don't understand is why places like this have to be so ridiculously cute and so ridiculously overpriced? I mean, they're manufactured in the same factories as KMART furniture. (I don't know if thats really true, but I wouldn't doubt it) Ergh. Well, if anyone's in the mood to splurge on some CUUUUUTTTE stuff, there is free shipping until 12/1 (on your entire order) if you enter in the code: REINDEER Ive also seen the promo code: WINTER