Saturday, August 30, 2008
Scripture Directory
Unlike my husband, Tom, I cant rattle off scriptures and remember what one is what. (Hope I can someday!) But for now, I thought this would be a pretty neat insert in my scriptures. Just thought I'd share my find!

Friday, August 29, 2008
Food Storage Friday!
I found this online when I was researching a plan/schedule for building up my food storage supply. Its called:
Project Noah
Pretty Cute. Anyway, I just thought I'd post it in case any of you are like me and REALLY need to establish a solid storage. Of course these are just suggestions, but they are meant to get us the items we have been counseled to store.

Project Noah is a year long food storage and emergency preparedness program. It is designed to help you set and obtain goals in the area of family preparedness. This is a suggested food and emergency kit schedule for one year --- starting with basic supply then emergency and finally expanded basic food supply (as given in Essentials of Home Production and Storage). If you follow it you will have one month's supply for 1-2 people. If you do not like an item on the list feel free to substitute. You can double, triple, or half the purchases according to your families needs, and your finances. There is also a weekly to do list to remind you of things to check around your home.
Week 1: At least 7 gallons of water. Hint: Water storage may be in plastic bottles, to which bleach may be added if the purity of the water is in question. (generally l/2 tsp per five gallons if water is clear or 1. tsp. per five gallons if water is cloudy.) In case of emergency, the water in water beds, water heaters, toilet tanks, and cisterns may be purified and used.
Week 2: 15 Pounds of good wheat. 'Hint: People who have small homes with limited storage space should prepare the best they can for emergencies. Basic food items often can be stored in rather limited space. Closets, attics, and space under beds can be used to store food. It is wiser to have food storage sufficient for only a few weeks or months than to have no storage at all.
Week 3: 1 large box or ten envelopes of instant milk: Hint: Make sure you have, enough bedding to keep each person warm if there were no other heating supplies.
Week 4: 10 pounds Rice. Hint: Check that you have sufficient clothing (that fits) for one year (or fabric and necessities for sewing clothing).
Week 5: 4 pounds Sugar. Hint: Ezra Taft Benson said, "The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." "We encourage families to have on hand this year's supply; and we say it over and over and over and repeat over and over the scriptures of the Lord where He says, 'Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Spencer W. Kimball, May 1976)
Week 6: 1 large jar of honey. Hint: Double check flashlight and battery supply.
Week 7: 8 ounces of Salt. Hint: Evaluate family preparedness, set goals for the coming year and seek to obtain them.
Week 8: One bottle of vegetable oil or one can of shortening. Hint: Double check emergency supplies for baby, are diapers and clothing going to fit? Formula? (even nursing moms should make sure there is formula available),
Week 9: 5 pounds legumes (beans & peas). Hint: Have backyard campout to practice emergency skills. (good opportunity to check out warm bedding).
Week 10: Coal, wood, briquettes, propane, matches, candles for cooking and light. Hint: Make buddy burner. Cut strips of corrugated paper in 1 ½ in widths. Roll each strip tightly and fit in a tuna fish can. Pour melted paraffin wax in the can so that it soaks the paper and fills the remaining space. Each can will burn for 1 ½ to 2 hours!
Week 11: Dish Soap. Hint: Store extra prescription medication with the words "Emergency use only",
Week 12: 2 bars of body soap per person. Hint: If you have a fireplace double-check to make sure flue is clear and the fireplace is clean and can be used without danger.
Week 13: 1 gallon bleach. Hint: Have Family Home Evening from FHE Manual "Protecting your Home against Fire," pp. 332-333.
Week 14: Bandages. Hint: Make sure you have emergency provisions for pets. Standard First Aid Supplies: adhesive tape, ammonia, antibiotic ointment, bicarbonate of soda, calamine lotion, diarrhea remedy, elastic bandages, gauze bandages, hot water bottle, hydrogen peroxide, ipecac syrup (induces vomiting), knife, matches, measuring cup, medicine dropper, needles, paper bags, razor blades, rubbing alcohol, safety pins, scissors, soap, thermometer, triangular bandages, tweezers, first aid book, prescription medications, consecrated oil. First aid kits and supplies should be checked and replenished regularly. All supplies should be labeled and organized for fast use.
Week 15: First aid cream and tape, cotton balls and ace bandage. Hint: An important emergency precaution is to have tetanus immunizations up to date - at least every 10 years.
Week 16: Year supply of garden seeds rich in Vitamin A&C appropriate for area (no hybrid). Hint: Every yard has space for a garden. Part of the lawn, play area, or flower garden may be converted to a garden. Vegetables may be grown in window boxes or pots. Plant the garden where it will receive at least 4 - 6 hours of direct sunshine each day. The soil should drain well, and an adequate source of water should be available.
Week 17: Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Hint: Review FHE Manual lesson "Treating Bleeding", pp. 330-332.
Week 18: Obtain bag or duffel for 72 hour kit, Hint: Each family or individual should have portable container(s) with emergency supplies such as the following: water, food requiring no refrigeration or cooking (graham crackers, canned fruits, canned meats), medications and critical medical histories required by family members, change of clothing, including 2 pairs of stockings; sanitary supplies; first aid booklet and equipment; candles; matches; ax; shovel; can opener; and blanket. The container should be placed where it can be picked up at a moment's notice.
Week 19: Buy 3 cans tuna and 3 cans pork and beans for 72 hour kit. Hint: Put together a first aid kit for the car. See FHE Manual p 323.
Week 20: 1 Ib. Box of crackers sealed in plastic for 72 hour kit. Hint: Teach family how to treat shock victims, FHE Manual "Treating Shock" pp328-330.
Week 21: 1 Ib. Dried fruit & beef jerky (apples, pineapple, apricots, bananas etc.) for 72 hour kit.
Hint: Try drying the fruit yourself and making jerky by slicing thin and placing-on low heated oven overnight.
Week 22: 48 oz., canned orange or tomato juice for 72 hour kit. Hint: Post emergency numbers at all phones in the house. Have FHE about emergency contacts. FHE Manual "Emergency Numbers" pp. 323-324.
Week 23: 1 Ib. Peanut butter for 72 hour kit. Hint: Try to cook for 3 days from your food storage.
Week 24: 1 gallon of water for 72 hour kit. Hint: Have FHE "Water Safety" FHE Manual pp 339-340.
Week 25: ½ lb. Nonfat dry milk. Hint: Obtain container for first aid kit for 72 hour kit.
Week 26: Obtain change of clothing that fits for 72-hour kit. Hint: FHE Manual "Coping with Blackouts" pp 334.
Week 27: Buy peaches & berries from store or U-pick farms. Hint: Bottle (or learn to bottle) peaches and berries.
Week 28: Matches, candle, battery operated light for 72 hour kit. Hint: Store cash in $1 bills in various pockets in 72 hour kit for emergencies.
W eek 29: Obtain blanket (wool is preferred) for 72 hour kit. Hint: Make sure you have emergency provisions and plans for pets.
Week 30: Buy corn or other vegetables at U-pick farm or store. Hint: Bottle or freeze veggies.
Week 31: Can opener, dishpan, dishes, utensils, ax, shovel, bucket, battery-powered radio, paper and pencil for 72 hour kit. Hint: Locate gas meter and water meter shut offs and attach a wrench near them. children who are old enough should be show how to turn the gas and water off. Along with an explanation of when and why we should have to do this. Review FHE Manual "Earthquake Preparedness" pp. 336-337.
Week 32: Personal toiletries for 72 hour kit. (toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo, washcloth, towel, brush, feminine hygiene) Hint: Copies of personal documents: scriptures, genealogy records, patriarchal blessing, passport, driver's license, social security card, immunizations & legal documents (wills, insurance policies, birth certificates, etc.) for 72 hour kit.
Week 33: Plastic knives, forks, spoons, cups for storage. Hint: PIace first aid kits, personal items and medication in various places--car, home, shed, etc.
Week 34: 1 box baking soda and baking powder. Hint: FHE Manual "Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation & Treating Choking" pp. 325-328.
Week 35: 4 cans of cream of chicken soup, 4 cans of chicken noodle soup. Hint: Install or test your smoke detector.
Week 36: Buy chicken to bottle. Hint: Bottle or learn to bottle chicken or other foods in pressure cooker.
Week 37: 3 cans beef chunks, Hint: Have fire drill with FHE Manual p333.
Week 38: 4 cans vegetable soup. Hint: Establish an out of state contact to call in case of emergency.
Week 39: 2lbs. Macaroni and 1 Ib. Spaghetti. Hint: Place a pair of shoes under your bed so they are handy. Encourage children to store shoes under bed at night. You may want to have flashlights under children's beds also.
Week 40: 4 cans vegetables. Hint: Send copies of favorite photos to friends or family, out of state for safe keeping.
Week 41: Large box of instant mashed potatoes. Hint: Inventory all your sources of light - paper logs, hurricane lamps, candles etc. and make sure matches are nearby.
Week 42: 8 cans of canned fruit (peaches, pears, apples etc.) Hint: Store a roll of quarters and dimes for emergency calls.
Week 43: Aluminum foil, plastic garbage bags, ziploc bags. Hint: Go on a hunt as a family to find the closest pay phone, or make survival kit see FHE Manual pp337-338.
Week 44: 4 boxes macaroni & cheese. Hint: .Take a first aid or CPR course.
Week 45: Plant fruit trees and grapevines. Hint: Make a plan to check on a ward member or neighbor who may need help in an emergency.
Week 46: Buy large garbage can and make home compost pile. (check in community for other sources) Hint: Prepare to plant garden
Week 47: 11arge jar of jam or jelly, buy apples to bottle. Hint: Use apples to bottle, dehydrate, and make into sauce or butter.
Week 48: Buy pears from farm or store. Hint: Bottle pears.
Week 49: 7 gallons of water. Hint: Make inventory of all available water.
Week 50: 1 large container of syrup. Hint: Find out what the ward emergency plans are.
Week 51: Buy ingredients for families favorite recipes. Hint: Make a list of 14 recipes your family likes and acquire all the needed ingredients. Make copies of them and put them in storage sealed in ziploc bags.
Feel confident in your obedience to the prophet's voices and START OVER AGAIN!
Project Noah
Pretty Cute. Anyway, I just thought I'd post it in case any of you are like me and REALLY need to establish a solid storage. Of course these are just suggestions, but they are meant to get us the items we have been counseled to store.

Project Noah is a year long food storage and emergency preparedness program. It is designed to help you set and obtain goals in the area of family preparedness. This is a suggested food and emergency kit schedule for one year --- starting with basic supply then emergency and finally expanded basic food supply (as given in Essentials of Home Production and Storage). If you follow it you will have one month's supply for 1-2 people. If you do not like an item on the list feel free to substitute. You can double, triple, or half the purchases according to your families needs, and your finances. There is also a weekly to do list to remind you of things to check around your home.
Week 1: At least 7 gallons of water. Hint: Water storage may be in plastic bottles, to which bleach may be added if the purity of the water is in question. (generally l/2 tsp per five gallons if water is clear or 1. tsp. per five gallons if water is cloudy.) In case of emergency, the water in water beds, water heaters, toilet tanks, and cisterns may be purified and used.
Week 2: 15 Pounds of good wheat. 'Hint: People who have small homes with limited storage space should prepare the best they can for emergencies. Basic food items often can be stored in rather limited space. Closets, attics, and space under beds can be used to store food. It is wiser to have food storage sufficient for only a few weeks or months than to have no storage at all.
Week 3: 1 large box or ten envelopes of instant milk: Hint: Make sure you have, enough bedding to keep each person warm if there were no other heating supplies.
Week 4: 10 pounds Rice. Hint: Check that you have sufficient clothing (that fits) for one year (or fabric and necessities for sewing clothing).
Week 5: 4 pounds Sugar. Hint: Ezra Taft Benson said, "The revelation to store food may be as essential to our temporal salvation today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah." "We encourage families to have on hand this year's supply; and we say it over and over and over and repeat over and over the scriptures of the Lord where He says, 'Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" (Spencer W. Kimball, May 1976)
Week 6: 1 large jar of honey. Hint: Double check flashlight and battery supply.
Week 7: 8 ounces of Salt. Hint: Evaluate family preparedness, set goals for the coming year and seek to obtain them.
Week 8: One bottle of vegetable oil or one can of shortening. Hint: Double check emergency supplies for baby, are diapers and clothing going to fit? Formula? (even nursing moms should make sure there is formula available),
Week 9: 5 pounds legumes (beans & peas). Hint: Have backyard campout to practice emergency skills. (good opportunity to check out warm bedding).
Week 10: Coal, wood, briquettes, propane, matches, candles for cooking and light. Hint: Make buddy burner. Cut strips of corrugated paper in 1 ½ in widths. Roll each strip tightly and fit in a tuna fish can. Pour melted paraffin wax in the can so that it soaks the paper and fills the remaining space. Each can will burn for 1 ½ to 2 hours!
Week 11: Dish Soap. Hint: Store extra prescription medication with the words "Emergency use only",
Week 12: 2 bars of body soap per person. Hint: If you have a fireplace double-check to make sure flue is clear and the fireplace is clean and can be used without danger.
Week 13: 1 gallon bleach. Hint: Have Family Home Evening from FHE Manual "Protecting your Home against Fire," pp. 332-333.
Week 14: Bandages. Hint: Make sure you have emergency provisions for pets. Standard First Aid Supplies: adhesive tape, ammonia, antibiotic ointment, bicarbonate of soda, calamine lotion, diarrhea remedy, elastic bandages, gauze bandages, hot water bottle, hydrogen peroxide, ipecac syrup (induces vomiting), knife, matches, measuring cup, medicine dropper, needles, paper bags, razor blades, rubbing alcohol, safety pins, scissors, soap, thermometer, triangular bandages, tweezers, first aid book, prescription medications, consecrated oil. First aid kits and supplies should be checked and replenished regularly. All supplies should be labeled and organized for fast use.
Week 15: First aid cream and tape, cotton balls and ace bandage. Hint: An important emergency precaution is to have tetanus immunizations up to date - at least every 10 years.
Week 16: Year supply of garden seeds rich in Vitamin A&C appropriate for area (no hybrid). Hint: Every yard has space for a garden. Part of the lawn, play area, or flower garden may be converted to a garden. Vegetables may be grown in window boxes or pots. Plant the garden where it will receive at least 4 - 6 hours of direct sunshine each day. The soil should drain well, and an adequate source of water should be available.
Week 17: Hydrogen peroxide and alcohol. Hint: Review FHE Manual lesson "Treating Bleeding", pp. 330-332.
Week 18: Obtain bag or duffel for 72 hour kit, Hint: Each family or individual should have portable container(s) with emergency supplies such as the following: water, food requiring no refrigeration or cooking (graham crackers, canned fruits, canned meats), medications and critical medical histories required by family members, change of clothing, including 2 pairs of stockings; sanitary supplies; first aid booklet and equipment; candles; matches; ax; shovel; can opener; and blanket. The container should be placed where it can be picked up at a moment's notice.
Week 19: Buy 3 cans tuna and 3 cans pork and beans for 72 hour kit. Hint: Put together a first aid kit for the car. See FHE Manual p 323.
Week 20: 1 Ib. Box of crackers sealed in plastic for 72 hour kit. Hint: Teach family how to treat shock victims, FHE Manual "Treating Shock" pp328-330.
Week 21: 1 Ib. Dried fruit & beef jerky (apples, pineapple, apricots, bananas etc.) for 72 hour kit.
Hint: Try drying the fruit yourself and making jerky by slicing thin and placing-on low heated oven overnight.
Week 22: 48 oz., canned orange or tomato juice for 72 hour kit. Hint: Post emergency numbers at all phones in the house. Have FHE about emergency contacts. FHE Manual "Emergency Numbers" pp. 323-324.
Week 23: 1 Ib. Peanut butter for 72 hour kit. Hint: Try to cook for 3 days from your food storage.
Week 24: 1 gallon of water for 72 hour kit. Hint: Have FHE "Water Safety" FHE Manual pp 339-340.
Week 25: ½ lb. Nonfat dry milk. Hint: Obtain container for first aid kit for 72 hour kit.
Week 26: Obtain change of clothing that fits for 72-hour kit. Hint: FHE Manual "Coping with Blackouts" pp 334.
Week 27: Buy peaches & berries from store or U-pick farms. Hint: Bottle (or learn to bottle) peaches and berries.
Week 28: Matches, candle, battery operated light for 72 hour kit. Hint: Store cash in $1 bills in various pockets in 72 hour kit for emergencies.
W eek 29: Obtain blanket (wool is preferred) for 72 hour kit. Hint: Make sure you have emergency provisions and plans for pets.
Week 30: Buy corn or other vegetables at U-pick farm or store. Hint: Bottle or freeze veggies.
Week 31: Can opener, dishpan, dishes, utensils, ax, shovel, bucket, battery-powered radio, paper and pencil for 72 hour kit. Hint: Locate gas meter and water meter shut offs and attach a wrench near them. children who are old enough should be show how to turn the gas and water off. Along with an explanation of when and why we should have to do this. Review FHE Manual "Earthquake Preparedness" pp. 336-337.
Week 32: Personal toiletries for 72 hour kit. (toothbrush, tooth paste, shampoo, washcloth, towel, brush, feminine hygiene) Hint: Copies of personal documents: scriptures, genealogy records, patriarchal blessing, passport, driver's license, social security card, immunizations & legal documents (wills, insurance policies, birth certificates, etc.) for 72 hour kit.
Week 33: Plastic knives, forks, spoons, cups for storage. Hint: PIace first aid kits, personal items and medication in various places--car, home, shed, etc.
Week 34: 1 box baking soda and baking powder. Hint: FHE Manual "Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation & Treating Choking" pp. 325-328.
Week 35: 4 cans of cream of chicken soup, 4 cans of chicken noodle soup. Hint: Install or test your smoke detector.
Week 36: Buy chicken to bottle. Hint: Bottle or learn to bottle chicken or other foods in pressure cooker.
Week 37: 3 cans beef chunks, Hint: Have fire drill with FHE Manual p333.
Week 38: 4 cans vegetable soup. Hint: Establish an out of state contact to call in case of emergency.
Week 39: 2lbs. Macaroni and 1 Ib. Spaghetti. Hint: Place a pair of shoes under your bed so they are handy. Encourage children to store shoes under bed at night. You may want to have flashlights under children's beds also.
Week 40: 4 cans vegetables. Hint: Send copies of favorite photos to friends or family, out of state for safe keeping.
Week 41: Large box of instant mashed potatoes. Hint: Inventory all your sources of light - paper logs, hurricane lamps, candles etc. and make sure matches are nearby.
Week 42: 8 cans of canned fruit (peaches, pears, apples etc.) Hint: Store a roll of quarters and dimes for emergency calls.
Week 43: Aluminum foil, plastic garbage bags, ziploc bags. Hint: Go on a hunt as a family to find the closest pay phone, or make survival kit see FHE Manual pp337-338.
Week 44: 4 boxes macaroni & cheese. Hint: .Take a first aid or CPR course.
Week 45: Plant fruit trees and grapevines. Hint: Make a plan to check on a ward member or neighbor who may need help in an emergency.
Week 46: Buy large garbage can and make home compost pile. (check in community for other sources) Hint: Prepare to plant garden
Week 47: 11arge jar of jam or jelly, buy apples to bottle. Hint: Use apples to bottle, dehydrate, and make into sauce or butter.
Week 48: Buy pears from farm or store. Hint: Bottle pears.
Week 49: 7 gallons of water. Hint: Make inventory of all available water.
Week 50: 1 large container of syrup. Hint: Find out what the ward emergency plans are.
Week 51: Buy ingredients for families favorite recipes. Hint: Make a list of 14 recipes your family likes and acquire all the needed ingredients. Make copies of them and put them in storage sealed in ziploc bags.
Feel confident in your obedience to the prophet's voices and START OVER AGAIN!
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