Anyway, the main reason I am posting about the playroom today is the toy storage that I found last night at Walmart. I was planning on buying that (really cute) but really expensive toy drawer unit from ikea that I posted awhile back. It was reasonably priced ($300) compared to all the other storage units I had been looking at at other stores....but still a hefty sum. They had on display a "rollback" of these Sterlite "recycling center" drawer units. They only had four left (I kind of wanted I might venture out to the next town to see if they have any more...) But they are cute because they are a bright blue and green, and the boxes are SUPER DEEP and they can actually fit REAL toys...not those dinky little bins....they were only $14 for the 2 drawer $60 compared to the $300 makes mommy and daddy very happy! In the picture below you'll notice I have a cheap white laundry basket on top...I'm going to buy three more and spray paint them the bright cherry red to fit the longer bigger toys that wouldnt fit in the drawers...and give that wall the punch of red that it needs. I'll probably hang up the bright red clock I had in Briggy's old room up there too.
What do you think? maybe not QUITE as cute as the Ikea unit, but pretty good considering...and it will get the job done!

I found these at for $10.99 a piece. Not to bad...they'll look cute bright red hanging on the yellow wall!