When I joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 7 years ago, I gave up all of my bad habits--smoking being one of them. I smoked 3 packs a DAY! Crazy!!!! So if this blog post has you wondering, I am interested in learning about this for my Father {and my brother--but he is 20, and thinks he knows everything, so he's not ready to quit!} To me this sounds like a great product to really aid with cutting back and eventually quitting smoking. I know for me, 7 YEARS LATER!!! I still have the urge almost everyday at some point to smoke. Its really more of the physical aspect of holding and inhaling that I miss. Silly, but true. I went through packages and packages of lollipops when I first gave them up. Anyway, Joan and Riah's Giveaways is hosting a giveaway to win a set that includes the Electric cigarette and a few cartridges of the tabacco product in whatever "flavor" youd like. Im hoping to win this for my father. He's almost 50 and NEEDS TO QUIT! he's really cut down---but I think this will really do the trick!
I hope you dont have a smoking addiction, but if you do, or have a loved one that does---check out this review and enter the giveaway!
heres the link:
Nice Blog. We appreciate you sharing.
Joan and Riah's Reviews
Yes, we sure do appreciate your sharing, thank you so much.
Side note, these Electric Cigs also have the no nicotine option, (along with other choices of nicotine levels) so even those that are not smoking any longer can do the No Nicotine option with the flavor of their choosing, like I did. :)
So glad to hear you quit, it's a nasty habit, not to mention very expensive now as well! :) With these electric cigs, smokers may be able to save some money, depending upon where they live.
Joan and Riah's Reviews and Giveaways.
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