Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family Home Evening 7/28

The Power (and fun) of Scriptures!

Song: Scripture Power
Activity/Lesson: Start a scripture journal! make sure that its a size that can fit in your scripture tote. you can use this notebook for jotting down favorite scriptures or feelings you have while reading. They're also really handy for taking notes in your classes. I made them with my CTR 6/7 class a few years ago....we had so much fun making them...all my kiddo's thought they were so cool with these!
Im about due for a new one!

While pasting and stickering your notebook, talk about special scriptures, favorite heroes of the scriptures...etc. why not make a cool decorated pen/pencil to match your notebook!?
Snack: Scripture Cookies! (its also an a fun activity because you have to search the scriptures to find what each ingredient is!)

Exodus 23:10 (Fruit) Cookies
1/2 cup D&C 35:8 (shortening)
1/2 cup Psalms 55:21 (margarine)
1 cup Isaiah 43:24 (sugar)
1 tablespoon 2 Chronicles 34:7 (powder)
1/2 teaspoon 2 Kgs. 2:20 (salt)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 Isaiah 10:14 (eggs)
3 1/2 cups I Kings 4:22 (flour)
1 cup crushed Isaiah 60:13 (pine) + Solomon 2:3 (apple), or diced Exodus 23:10 (fruit)

Cream the shortening and margarine for about 30 seconds. Add the sugar, baking powder, salt, vanilla, and eggs. Mix. Add the flour (a cup at a time). Mix. Add fruit. Mix. Drop a leveled off tablespoon of cookie dough onto a ungreased baking pan about 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 degrees F. for about minutes 10 to 15 minutes or until the bottoms are slightly brown. Cool on wire racks. Makes about 60.

Soft D&C 89:17 (Oatmeal) Cookies
1/2 cup D&C 35: 8 (shortening)
1/4 cup Psalms 55:21 (margarine)
2 cups I Kings 4:22 (flour)
1/2 cup packed Jeremiah 6:20 (brown sugar)
1/2 cup Isaiah 43:24 (sugar)
2 Isaiah 10:14 (eggs)
1 teaspoon 2 Chronicles 34:7 (powder)
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup Genesis 24:17 (water)
1/2 teaspoon Song of Solomon 4:14 (cinnamon)
1 3/4 cups D&C 89:17 (oats)
1/2 cup I Samuel 30:12 (raisins) or chocolate chips (optional)

Cream the shortening and margarine for about 30 seconds. Add the sugars, eggs, baking powder, baking soda, vanilla, water, and cinnamon. Mix. Add 1 cup of flour. Mix. Add the remaining cup of flour. Add the oats and raisins (if desired). Mix. Drop about a tablespoon of cookie dough onto a ungreased baking pan about 2 inches apart. Bake at 375 degrees F. for about minutes 10 to 12 minutes or until the bottoms are slightly brown. Cool on wire racks. Makes about 48 or more.



Fun idea, scripture cookies. I love that song "Scripture Power"! Once you start to sing it, it gets stuck in your head. :}